Webinar: KAPA HyperExome V2 Probes
The latest whole-exome sequencing solution shows high performance in the real-world setting
Live event on May 24, 2023 17:00 CEST
Massimo Delledonne. KAPA HyperExome V2 Probes Webinar
At Roche Sequencing Store, we are committed to promoting science, innovation, and knowledge-sharing within the Next-generation sequencing community. That’s why we’re thrilled to invite you to an upcoming webinar featuring Massimo Delledone, Ph.D., Full Professor of Genetics at the University of Verona, Italy.
Massimo Delledone is a renowned expert in Next-generation sequencing. In this webinar, KAPA HyperExome V2 Probes – the latest whole-exome sequencing solution shows high performance in the real-world setting, Massimo Delledonne will present an extensive overview about the improvements that technology has made on the WES (Whole Exome Sequencing) application.
In particular, Massimo will show data from his evaluation of the new KAPA HyperExome v2 Probes in a real-world setting, demonstrating improved content coverage in a high-performing whole-exome sequencing workflow.
About Massimo Delledone
- In 1994, Massimo was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Plant Genetics (SSD AGR/07) at Università Cattolica del S. C., Piacenza.
- Between 1995-1998, he visited the Salk Institute for Biological Studies (CA, USA) where he made some relevant discoveries.
- In 2001, Massimo joined the University of Verona as an Associate Professor of Plant Genetics (SSD Agr/07). During that time, the decoding of the human genome and the enormous potential of genomics boosted the development of new sequencing technologies that soon revolutionized the field of genetics.
- In 2003, Massimo joined the EMBO community. In 2007, he embraced next-generation sequencing technologies and switched his lab to develop and use the new tools that genomic technologies offered to microbial, plant, animal, and human biologists.
- Since 2012, Massimo has been a Professor of Genetics (SSD BIO/18) at the University of Verona. He coordinates an extensive program of research that is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach that connects genetics, molecular biology, bioinformatics, and genomics.
- In 2020, Massimo, together with his colleagues Marzia Rossato and Alessandro Salviati, founded a spin-off of the University of Verona that operates in the field of personalized genomics and DNA sequencing.
- 17:00-17:05. Introduction. Markos Mihalatos, International Business Leader Sample Prep Reagents
- 17:05- 17:45. Webinar: KAPA HyperExome V2 Probes – the latest whole-exome sequencing solution shows high performance in the real-world setting. Massimo Delledonne. Ph.D., Full Professor of Genetics at the University of Verona.
- 17:45-18:00. Questions and answers. Massimo Delledonne. Ph.D., Full Professor of Genetics at the University of Verona.
We encourage you to submit questions for Massimo during the Webinar.