LightMix® Digital EGFR T790M

Material Number: 10068434001

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The LightMix® Digital EGFR T790M allows the detection of the T790M mutation in gene EGFR (COSMIC ID: COSM6240) in genomic human DNA from a nucleic acid extract.

Quantity: for a maximum of 32 (HiSense plate) or 46 (Universal plate) digital PCR reactions

Additional information

LightMix® Digital EGFR T790M

Using PCR methodology, a 113 bp fragment covering the EGFR T790M mutation is amplified with specific primers. The mutation site in the PCR fragment is analyzed using two labeled probes binding competitively to the mutation site. The mutant probe is FAM- labeled, and the wild type (WT) probe is HEX-labeled. The PC included in the kit contains 4-6 % synthetic mutant target in wild-type genomic DNA and is equivalent to ~17 ng/µl when dissolved in 60 µl of PCR grade water. It is recommended to always include at least one PC and a No-Template-Control (NTC) (e.g. PCR grade water) in each run.

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