
LightMix Digital HER2 CNV

Material Number: 10301040001

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The LightMix Digital HER2 CNV assay (Cat. No. 20-3012-96) is a multiplexed digital PCR-based detection system for precise quantification of HER2 gene copy number variation. The assay simultaneously analyzes five genomic targets – HER2 Exon 7 and four reference genes (EIF5B, RPS27A, DCK, and PMM1) – using a five-color fluorescence detection system (FAM/HEX/TexRed/LC640/Cy5.5).

The LightMix Digital HER2 CNV assay (Cat. No. 20-3012-96) is a multiplexed digital PCR-based detection system for precise quantification of HER2 gene copy number variation. The assay simultaneously analyzes five genomic targets – HER2 Exon 7 and four reference genes (EIF5B, RPS27A, DCK, and PMM1) – using a five-color fluorescence detection system (FAM/HEX/TexRed/LC640/Cy5.5).

Key Specifications:

  • Amplicon lengths: 112bp (HER2), 112bp (EIF5B), 97bp (RPS27A), 122bp (DCK), 78bp (PMM1)
  • DNA input range: 7.5-100 ng per reaction
  • Resolution: 5% minimum detectable HER2 CNV elevation
  • Stability: 60 days at +2-8°C
  • Compatible instrument: Digital LightCycler
  • PCR cycling protocol: 40 cycles at 58°C annealing temperature
  • Validated with NIST SRM2373 reference materials

The reagents are provided as stabilized, air-dried oligonucleotide mixes with demonstrated performance across multiple reference cell lines. For research use only.

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